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Habitat Homeowner Resources

We're happy to have you in the Habitat for Humanity family! On this page you'll find resources to help you as a Habitat homeowner, as well as information about upcoming Habitat events.

Join us on Thursday, February 20th at the Minnesota Children's Museum for a fun night celebrating the joys of homeownership with the Habitat community at our Winter Home Celebration!


Registration is now closed. See you at the event!

Important Updates

Solar Incentives for Homeowners

Recent changes to utility rebates and tax incentives make now a great time to explore going solar for Habitat homeowners:

  • As of January 1, 2024, ALL Habitat homeowners are eligible for Xcel Energy’s Solar Rewards Program. This program provides a significant up-front incentive for installing solar panels PLUS a 10 year annual production incentive.
  • The federal Inflation Reduction Act provides tax credits for solar installations at a minimum of 30% and as high as 70% of installation cost depending on location and income.

Three benefits of going solar:

  1. Monthly savings on utility bills
  2. Long-term protection from utility price increases
  3. Reducing CO2 emissions is good for the environment

Twin Cities Habitat invites you to explore solar
through one of our trusted partners:

All Energy Solar
Charles Mollenkamp: (612) 248-0560

All Energy Solar is a local provider that has been installing solar in the Twin Cities since 2009. They provide full solar panel installation service as well as financing. A new program offering could mean no-cost solar installation for a limited number of homeowners.

Apadana Solar
Andy Goke: (612) 470-1393

Apadana is a local full service solar provider, helping homeowners to maximize their solar resources and navigate financial incentives. They are a certified small, minority owned business enterprise ranked highly by solar industry organizations.

Cooperative Energy Futures (CEF)
Chris Loch: (612) 568-2334

Cooperative Energy Futures is a local cooperative with a focus on serving low-income populations. Their Affordable Solar Program offers rooftop solar at no upfront cost, and their community solar gardens are available when rooftop solar isn't a good fit.

Solar United Neighbors (SUN)
Bobby King: (612) 293-7267

SUN is a non-profit that helps homeowners get rooftop solar by using their group buying power to get the best price and service from a local installer. Their group buys are free to join and there is no obligation to go solar. SUN can also help with any questions you have about going solar.

Daisy Molina: (562) 480-5285

SunShare's Community Solar Program allows homeowners and renters in Minnesota's Xcel Energy service territory to subscribe to a local solar garden without installing equipment on their property. Income-qualified participants receive a 20% discount on their SunShare subscription, contributing to a greener future while enjoying guaranteed savings year-round!

** Top Tip: Get quotes from at least 3 companies before selecting any contractor. A full list of solar installers who have agreed to the Minnesota Solar Energy Industries Association (MnSEIA) code of conduct can be found at: www.mnseia.org

Homeowner Resources

Homeowner Tips

4 min read

Tips for Planning Home Improvement Projects in the New Year

The start of a new year provides an opportunity to pause, reflect on the past, and plan for the future. This month,...
2 min read

Winterize Your Home on a Budget

There are several things you can do to winterize your home and ease the financial toll of winter. Some of them cost...
3 min read

Mold Prevention and Mitigation for Your Home

Late summer in Minnesota brings heat, cicadas, and humidity. The average humidity in Minnesota is typically highest...
2 min read

Solar Incentives for Habitat Homeowners

Recent changes to utility rebates and tax incentives make now a great time for Habitat homeowners to explore going...
1 min read

ReStore Recap: Giving Back, DIY Firepits, and More

Looking for creative ways to get ready for the warm weather that is coming our way? This edition of the Restore Recap...
1 min read

ReStore Recap: Get Your (Indoor) DIY On!

How have you been spending your first month of 2024 so far? If you're looking for fresh new DIY ideas to get started on...

Do you have any questions for us?